Getting divorced real estate sources is more than just finding possible sales. It is also about carefully handling the emotional issues and legal problems of a divorce settlement with the need for quick sales.

Many real estate agents and investors avoid leads due to the messiness of real estate transactions. But not all divorce leads are complicated. If you are really interested in divorced real estate the first thing you need to do is to identify where to find leads.

But with so many options available in the market it can be confusing trying to figure out which sites offer the most accurate and updated listing.

There are many ways to find out your preferred property. Here in this guide, we have compiled a complete list of the best sources where you can find divorced property.

What Are Divorce Real Estate Leads?

Divorced home leads come from homeowners who are splitting and need to sell their homes quickly. This is usually to split their division of assets.

Being a real estate agent you will find these leads extremely valuable because the sellers are highly motivated and want to complete their sales fast. Legal process requirements for the divorce process can create urgency to sell.

These properties that go on sale are often listed at attractive prices and under conditions favouring quick transactions.

Why You Should Invest in Divorced Real Estate?

Buying property from a divorcee couple has a lot of benefits. Motivated sellers to make the sale quick for some unique challenges they face. Here are some benefits that your client will get if they invest in divorced real estate:

1. Quick Sales Are Common

Divorcing couples often need to sort out their matters fast including selling their marital home. The procedure of divorce can be costly. So many people need to ensure they sell their homes quickly to handle the expenses.

The situation can be beneficial for you. Because you can buy that divorce leads that too at lower prices to see quick financial gains.

2. Benefits in a Less Competitive Market

Homes being sold because of a divorce usually have fewer buyers interested. This happened because of the multiple transactions taking place giving you a better chance in negotiation. It will also let your client buy these homes on better terms.

These properties are often well-maintained and were homes to families before. Especially this one point makes these houses attractive as rental homes for new families.

3. Helping Through Investment

When your client invests in these properties you are basically helping divorcing spouses who are going through a hard time.

Being a real estate agent your involvement takes away one of their biggest worries-selling their home. So it benefits them helping you achieve your investment goals.

Besides if you engage a divorce listing agent you will further increase your visibility in this niche market.

How To Find Divorce Real Estate Leads?

Finding divorce real estate sources means you are spotting where these property leads exist in the real estate industry. So here are some lead-generation strategies that might work for you. These are the most common strategies used by other real estate investors:

1. Use Online Resources

One practical way for you to find divorce real estate sources is by searching online databases. There are multiple platforms like foreclosure and others that let you access the latest listings and divorce filings. It will allow you to connect early with motivated sellers.

The help of MLS in finding divorced properties provides certain advantages to making the right property purchase. The MLS can be very helpful in your search for a property purchase it is still just a tool. Taking some time and using some creativity can give you a lot of essential real estate investment information.

2. Partner with Divorce Attorneys

In the year 2023 over 74,000 professionals are working in the US family Law & Divorce lawyers and attorneys sector. Building relationships with divorce attorneys is a strategic move for you. This is to generate divorce sources from divorces.

Divorce attorneys meet daily with people who need to sell their houses due to divorce agreements. You can get a reliable source of sellers source by contacting these lawyers.

Working with a divorce attorney simplifies the property-selling process for everyone. Remember it is important to approach each client with professionalism and passion. You will provide top-notch service and heartfelt support during their hardest time when you work with divorce attorneys.

3. Use Direct Marketing Techniques

Direct marketing like mailing campaigns is a useful process for getting sellers. Let us break down some effective strategies you can use:

Personalized Letters

Being a real estate agent you can send personal letters to individually one spouse listed in public divorces records. The letter needs to be kind understanding their challenging time. This strategy can help you get divorce leads if they take interest.

Effective Email Subject Lines

The subject of the email you will be sending is the first thing someone sees. So write an attractive good sales email subject line. It is particularly effective when you will be sending emails to individual spouses.

Legal Considerations

It is important to be aware of the legal aspects of direct marketing. Always respect privacy and comply with any request not to be contacted.

4. Explore Social Media Platforms

Social media sites are a great place to find free divorce real estate sources. By joining real estate and divorced related groups on Facebook or LinkedIn you can reach out to people wanting to sell their homes.

High-quality photos and virtual tours of home sales can draw in possible buyers and sellers. Being a real estate listing agent staying active on these sites helps you to build your reputation.

If you want to use social media ads to reach specific people like people who are going through divorce do not forget to use relevant hashtags.

5. Engage with Local Clerks of Court

Talking with a local court clerk can be a good way to find divorce real estate sources being a real estate realtor. Having a good relationship with the court clerk can give you regular updates and knowledge about the new divorce case filings.

It is important to handle this information carefully and with respect as these records are about personal matters. Maintaining the relationship can get you new sources while staying professional.

6. Leverage Divorce Public Records

Similar to legal marriage records you can have access to divorce records or divorce filings. You can visit the website of a specific Clerk of the County and pull information individually along with details. These details include

  • Quit-claim deed
  • Divorcing couples filing for child custody, etc.

Note that a large percentage of these divorced sources you will find in legal public records are already on a listing agreement. For this reason, check the records every day to get news from divorced sources.

7. Contact Lenders Who Work With Divorcees

Before some divorcing couples sell their house during the divorce process they already request separate meetings with mortgage lenders to get a money loan for a new home.

This is to ensure that their children have a roof above their heads by improving their living situation. So you can build a good connection with these lenders so that they can point you to these divorcing couples.

8. Attend Networking Events

If you’re not comfortable with doing your own research, consider attending local networking events or reaching out to probate lawyers. It’s important to gather reliable investment estate information from trustworthy sources when networking.

The relationships you build may not result in immediate estate opportunities. But they can lay the groundwork for future deals. In the real estate industry, who you know can be just as important as what you know.

9. Use Data Analysis Services

Using data analysis services can significantly enhance your ability to identify real estate sources from divorces. These services comb through estate records and other essential data to identify homeowners who are likely to sell due to divorce.

This targeted data greatly improves the effectiveness of your lead-generation strategies. These services can save you a significant amount of time and effort. Instead of manually searching and analyzing public records, they utilize advanced algorithms to ensure lead accuracy.

With this support, an agent can allocate more time to cultivating relationships with potential clients and less time to the laborious task of finding a family home.

10. Consider Pay-Per-Click Advertisement

Running a successful pay-per-click advertisement on search engines and social networking sites can also give you proven results. You have to make sure that the advertisements are targeting divorced couples. Offer them solutions to their legal and home-selling queries.

Having a connection with PPC advertising you should also establish a great landing page. This is to capture these divorce case sources.


It’s important to approach finding divorce real estate sources with careful planning and strategic thinking. We’ve discussed effective methods for finding these sources. It will emphasize the importance of understanding and empathy during divorce transactions.

By utilizing various strategies you can expand your reach and enhance your effectiveness in finding sources. These approaches are aimed at capturing attention and generating sources without overwhelming your audience. You may have exhausted using these methods and are still struggling to find divorce sources. Consider purchasing different types of leads from pay-per-lead platforms!