London properties invariably yield handsome rewards for the investor by providing vital building blocks for portfolio expansion and diversification. It is vital to regard selling your house quickly in London as a tactical business decision to be undertaken with the aim of reducing costs and increasing the return on investment.

An In-depth Look into the Process of Selling a House

It is a lengthy and frustrating process to sell a house. There is a process for a house to be sold in London.

You will find every detail to know about the process of selling a house in London in this article below.

a. Make a plan

Set aside a period for research of the local property market, prospective estate agents, local tradespersons, and conveyance experts you should need during the selling process. Assess the costs involved as well as the time their services will require.

b. Choose an agent

Estate agents who offer to sell your property quickly are not the right people for the job. Agents will be in regular contact with you through what is acknowledged to be a pretty intense and stressful period, so it is important for you to do homework and choose the agent carefully. You can spot the good ones by their proven experience and willingness to be transparent that will be appropriate for the process of selling a house.

c. Market your London Property

Good agents should be able to market your property readily, as soon as they get instructions from owners. They also take high quality and professional photographers to capture your property in the best light possible with guarantee of plenty of interest.

Ask them about their marketing to know what is included, what and where they will market your property to make sure that it reaches maximum audiences.

d. Accurate valuation

Maintaining a careful balance between attracting buyers and maximising profits should start with a professional and accurate valuation of your property. Any potential buyer will be carrying out a survey for more detailed things and this is where most of the bases are covered. The details potential buyers will be looking at are – structural improvements, fittings, room layout, electrics, double glazing, storage space, and wear and tear.

e. Best home presentation

If you have a property with great potential, near to vital transport links, and full of attractive features, then how will you add further value to it? The next three points focus on the strategies that can be carried with minimal fuss and bother in the process of selling a house :

  1. Be ruthless about the unused items that have been blocking doors and covering floors. Make use of dead space to cover storage areas and maintain this discipline even when you are carrying out home improvements.
  2. All homes benefit from a lick of fresh paint, especially in communal areas. Keep it neutral and tasteful as this is not the time for any experiment. Leave space for the buyer to take over as they step into the property.
  3. Make sure the doors close properly and light switches work. Viewers pick up these things immediately and attribute it to sloppiness rather than ‘wear and tear’.

f. Soft furnishings that have high appeal

Potential buyers looking for a house in London can be pretty much spoiled for choice, especially when they are looking at a new build. So make sure you have the competitive edge when selling as there are likely to be other apartments for sale if it is a large scale property development built over several phases. Select stylish and tasteful soft furnishing to transform your property from pass to select.

g. Viewing

Every viewing of your property should be treated as a potential sale after instructing an agent. Keep the property in tip top condition and take notice of any feedback or suggestions that will come your way either from the agent or the buyer.

h. Legal matters

Getting your property ready includes getting your paperwork ready as well. Good solicitors will have all documentation up to date and accessible before you accept any offer. They will then keep in touch with your agents to make progress on the sale and have contracts ready to sign as soon as both parties are ready in the process of selling a house.

Sell a house quickly in London

There are certain things to speed up the sale that are discussed below.

  • Take the time to consider your asking price and how low you will be willing to go to sell your house quickly in London. You will be able to attract more viewers with a reasonable price that will lead to more offers.
  • You can highlight the local facilities and features that would interest people in your property. Do not misjudge the value of high quality photographs to attract more interest in your property. Hire a professional photographer to take the photos to sell your house quickly in London.


Finding a trusted real estate agent is important in London. Choosing the best agent among many can be challenging but it will help to sell your house quickly in London. The right agent should guide you through the process of selling a house with experience in selling similar properties.