You have just found a thick-set, muscular body, and ow-legged gait, yes an English Bulldog. 

This small and extremely cute puppy was lying and now you want to adopt it. 

But wait there is nothing you as a parent as you have no idea what the breeding processes, the health, the diet and the nutrition that is quintessential for this breed,

Then after reach you came to know about the profession of Breeding dogs UK.

So you came to the conclusion that to raise this adorable breed, you can seek help from English bulldog breeders, who are well aware of how to raise English bulldogs from puppyhood. 

A guide to training your English bulldog pup 

In this section of the article, we shall be exploring different steps of raising a puppy from puppyhood.

A to-do and not to do list 

There should be a go-to and not to do list 

Do’s talk to your English Bulldog Breeders, seek and get insights as to how long should the dog be allowed on the couch. 

Training the puppy at the time when they are young is the best time when they are young will be helpful. 

If they are on their heavy-duty chew toys, then make sure you have some patience and wait for the English Bulldog Breeder to take care of that dog’s behaviour accordingly.

In case the dog goes near the water or any water body, refrain the dog from being alone or unattended. 

Get in the positive reinforcement for your puppy.

Before we get into any kind of training issue, we first need to understand, that raising an English bulldog requires expertise in Breeding Dogs UK. 

So all the information begins with getting hold of an English Bulldog breeder. 

These breeders are like your puppy’ teachers, who train puppies in the most humane ways, 

Here the first thing is not scolding or screaming, but you will see that professionals with Breeding Dogs in the UK will not only use positive reinforcement but will also comply with preventive methods. 

This has to be done in a way which does not spoil the habits or the mood of puppies. Make sure your dog gets a reward when he or she accomplishes the to-do list criteria.


Raising a puppy requires a proper diet and nutrition 

They should be fed puppy food until they are fully-grown English bulldogs pups. 

The English Bulldog Breeder will give you a plethora of food items that should be incorporated in the dog’s diet. 

An English Bulldog should be given a nutrition which is high in protein and this should be meat-based protein. 

It is not recommended for an English Bulldog to be vegan as it is not possible for the breed to be getting plant-based nutrients like tofu or anything likely. 

If you have heard that a grain-free diet is effective for an English bulldog to grow, then it is a false piece of information.

The best thing to do would be to give your English bulldog food twice a day, meeting all the daily nutrients of the pet. 

Just one tip for serving the food item is not running behind the dog, however after consulting with the English Bulldog Breeder you can leave the food for some time and see the dog eating the food.

Crate training the dog

The English Bulldog Breeder who has trained your dog so far will also introduce the puppy to create training. 

Getting and enrolling your dog into the crate training involves your puppy in a house, comfortable and cosy.

This would be a wrong notion to portray that a crate is only used to give a house to your puppy. 

With proper guidance and training, and making the pet understand the importance of the crate, the puppy can use the crate for hiding and seeking refuge in case of any emergency. 

Chewing and mouthing 

Chewing and mothing behaviours are important for the growth and development of your puppy.  

This step is extremely important for English bull dogs as they have a habit of chewing. 

You have to set the pace and create the scene like so like that where your puppy stops chewing. 

This can be done by using a soft voice, where they would be able to learn it and at the same time refrain from chewing. 

Socialise with the puppy 

As the name suggests, socialising before 16 weeks is the key to preventing and keeping at bay all the behavioural problems. 

By socialising at the right time, you can prevent your dog from getting engaged in poor behavioural issues. Some of these include:

  • Taking the pup outside
  • Visiting puppy playgroups
  • Indoor playdates with fully-vaccinated dogs


In sum, as we go on to conclude this article, this can be said raising a puppy and raising a puppy holistically are two different things. 

You might as well need to go to an English Bulldog Breeder who can not only train but also has a vital role to play in the full-fledged development of the English bulldog puppy.