Have you ever wondered how would it be to get a thorough check-up of your intestinal tract at large?

Whenever you have intestinal burns, it was suggested to get a gastroscopy done at a Gastroscopy Clinique (clinique gastroscopie) and get a colonoscopy done to get your colon checked. But with the combined test you can hit two birds with one stone.

Yes, you can. Now you do not have to rely on thousand different kinds of tests to get a thorough check of your gut, getting a combined Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy at a Private colposcopy Clinique (clinique privée colonoscopie) would be enough. Let us see what we can expect with this two-in-one approach. 

Does the combined approach meet expectations? 

In this section of the article, we shall be exploring what issues can Combined Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy resolve. 

Diagnoses better

After much research this has been when both Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy are combined, it helps health professionals to diagnose better. 

It is highly suggested that to get the recipient proper treatment professionals suggest getting a closer look at the colon and intestinal ducts together. 

Readily available and performed at any Gastroscopy Clinique (clinique gastroscopie) this test at one go will check your entire gastrointestinal ducts. 

This combined approach will help you to diagnose in one go all the symptoms which cause you pain like abdominal pain, persistent heat burn or unusual bowel movements. 

The samples are sent faster and the results will be given faster, consequently, the treatment would be provided at a swifter pace.

Concrete understanding

As the name suggests the combined results of Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy will help you to understand the problems better. 

Some of the underlying conditions that can be addressed by combining these are understanding the internal inflammation or swelling. 

Some of these underlying symptoms include internal inflammation or swelling. 

When performed together these blockages, structures that are hindering your gastrointestinal tract can be identified. 

Furthermore, these tests are used to track tract, celiac diseases, and ulcers. Gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD] and cancer

You can collect or get your test results at any of your nearest Private colposcopy Clinique (clinique privée colonoscopie). 

Some steps to follow

Before the process

Before the combined process, the health professionals at Private Colposcopy Clinique (clinique privée colonoscopie), the recipient will be given a handout and the former could come to know what to expect. 

The recipient would also be given an oral laxative- a bowel prep. 

This laxative is known to clear your bowels and will also help the health professionals at the Private colposcopy Clinique (clinique privée colonoscopie) will help them to see the lining of the intestines. 

The recipient the patient would not be allowed to eat or drink for eight hours before the procedure. 

During the process 

This is the aftermath of the combined process. Now when the recipient arrives at the Gastroscopy Clinique (clinique gastroscopie), the professionals would be given an assessment form. 

Blood pressure and pulse will also be recorded by the senior doctors and professionals at the Gastroscopy Clinique (clinique gastroscopie). 

The patient would also be asked to change the clinic and wear the scrubs and shorts which will determine the process. 

The recipient now meets the doctor and the former would be given the privilege to discuss the issues with the doctor. 

During the process, the recipient would be given a sedative through a needle so that you do not have or feel any discomfort during the entire procedure.

The recipient or the patient would be monitored, the pulse and the blood pressure everything throughout the process at the Gastroscopy Clinique (clinique gastroscopie)

After the process 

This is the final process of this combined process, and it can take a few hours for the patient to get over and go home. 

Once the procedure is done, the person who has gone through the process, would not be able to drive for twenty-four hours. 

The entire procedure can last up to 45 to 90 minutes. 

In addition, you need to get a friend or a quittance to drive you through the house. 

Recovery phase 

As the name suggests this phase indicates the recovery process. 

Some initial things that you need to avoid are not touching alcohol for a while, in addition, you need not touch kitchen appliances or operate any kind of operating machinery.

There can be a light discharge from your rectum. You need not worry, as this is due to the removal of polypus during the combined process. 

You might experience abdominal pain and feel nauseous for a couple of hours. 

Wrapping up 

Colposcopy and Gastroscopy is a test, which is done to check and get a vivid analysis of your overall gut health. However, when these two are separate it becomes time-consuming. Hence doctors have now taken a combined effort and approach which is unifying Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy together.

It is as easy as a process and can be done at any Private colposcopy Clinique (clinique privée colonoscopie).

This is a fact well-known that getting a Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy combined is beneficial as it reduces time helps the professional to diagnose the patient better and makes the process swifter. Hope the above guide helps you to understand the amalgamative approach better.